Kunitachi College of Music Library
A Catalogue of Early Printed Editions
of the Works of L.v.Beethoven
S12-753 (M8-489)
Op.1 No.2 (Arr. Piano, 4hands)
GRAND TRIO / DE / Louis van Beethoven. / ARRANGÉ / pour le Piano=Forte à quatre mains / PAR / FRÉD. SCHNEIDER. / FK. / Leipzig chez Fr. Kistner. / [l.:] Op: 1. No. II. / [r.:] Pr. 1 rf. 15 ngr.
Physical descriptions: 24.5 x 32(20.5 x 27.5)
Collation: [Piano, 4 hands]: Title, Music(2-43), blank.
Plate number: 85
Printing method: engraved
Note: At head of title page: bird design
Imprint: Leipzig: Kistner, [not before 1837]
Edition and history: Re-issue of the Probst edition of 1824
Comments: "Neu Groschen" started in 1837
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