Kunitachi College of Music Library
A Catalogue of Early Printed Editions
of the Works of L.v.Beethoven
S11-699 (M2-241)
GRANDE SONATE / POUR / PIANO-FORTE / Composée et dediée / à Mademoiselle La Comtesse / Babette de Keglevics / PAR / LOUIS VAN BEETHOVEN / OEUVRE VII. / Oeuvres Complets de Piano / 1me. Partie No. 4. / FRANCFORT S/M / chez Fr. Ph. Dunst.
Physical descriptions: 32 x 26
Collation: [Piano]: Title, Music(2-15), blank.
Plate number: 87.
Printing method: lithographed
Imprint: Frankfurt-am-Main: Dunst, [not before 1830]
Edition and history: Complete works series
References: Kinsky-Halm: p. 17
Hoboken: No. 821
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