Kunitachi College of Music Library
A Catalogue of Early Printed Editions
of the Works of L.v.Beethoven
S12-403 (M2-291)
Op.31 No.3
No. [21][ink] / SONATE / pour le / Piano-Forte / par / L. van Beethoven. / Section I. / (Nouvelle Édition exacte. ) / Vienne chez Tobie Haslinger, / Editeur de Musique.
Physical descriptions: 34 x 26(26 x 19.5)
Collation: [Piano]: Title, Music(2-22), 2 blanks.
Plate number: BEETHOVEN, I. No. 21.
Printing method: engraved
Other descriptions: Preceding 1st music line: No. 21. / SONATE. / de / BEETHOVEN. / Oeuvre 29. No. 3.
At foot of 1st page of music: Verlag von Joseph Czerny in Wien. / Mit dessen Bewilligung in diese Gesammtausgabe aufgenommen. / Wien, bei Tobias Haslinger.
Note: Including metronome markings
Imprint: Wien: Haslinger, [not after 1829]
Edition and history: Earliest printing from the Haslinger complete works series
References: Not linsted in Kinsky-Halm
Weinmann 9
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