Kunitachi College of Music Library
A Catalogue of Early Printed Editions
of the Works of L.v.Beethoven
S11-569 (M6-536)
BAGATELLEN / für das / PIANO-FORTE / von / L. VAN BEETHOVEN. / 33tes. Werk. / Preis f 1. 30 x C. M. ÷ M. 2. / WIEN, CARL HASLINGER QM. TOBIAS / k. k. Hof-u. priv. Kunst-u. Musikalienhändler. / II. 1 / Berlin, SCHLESINGER'sche Buch u. Musikhandlung.
Physical descriptions: 32.5 x 26
Collation: [Piano]: Title, 2 blanks, Music(4-25), blank.
Plate number: Beethoven. II. No. 1.
Printing method: lithographed
Other title descriptions: Head title: BAGATELLES / de / LOUIS van BEETHOVEN. / Oeuvre 33.
Other descriptions: At foot of 1st page of music: Eigenthum und Verlag der k. k. Hof-Kunst-und Musikalienhandlung Tobias Haslinger's Witwe und Sohn in Wien.
Note: Title page's color(in rose) & design are slightly different from the 1845 edition (S10-262)
Including metronome markings
Imprint: Wien: C. Haslinger, [not before 1875]
Edition and history: Second re-issue of the T. Haslinger complete works series
References: Weinmann 9
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