Kunitachi College of Music Library
A Catalogue of Early Printed Editions
of the Works of L.v.Beethoven
S11-862 (M2-249)
IIme / Grande Simphonie / en Rè majeur / (D dur) / de / LOUIS van BEETHOVEN. / Oeuvre XXXVI / Partition. / Prix 14 Frs. / BONN et COLOGNE chez N. SIMROCK. / 1959.
Physical descriptions: score. 27.5 x 18(23.5 x 29.5)(opening)
Collation: Cover, Title, 3 blanks, Music(1-162), 2 blanks, Cover.
Plate number: 1959.
Printing method: engraved
Other title descriptions: Cover title: I[I][ink] / Grande Simphonie / de / LOUIS VAN BEETHOVEN / Partition.
Head title: [l.:] L: van BEETHOVEN. / SINFONIA No. 2 in D.
Back cover descriptions: Chez N. SIMROCK a Bonn.
Note: Light sky blue cover with a black frame
Wove paper watermarked: VANDER MUELEN & COMP
Including metronome markings
Dif. f. the Hoboken catalogue: watermarked
Imprint: Bonn: Simrock, [not before 1822]
Edition and history: New state, with metronome markings, of the first German edition of the score(Simrock 1822)
References: Kinsky-Halm: p. 91
Hoboken: No. 195
Musikverlag N. Simrock: No. 313
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