Kunitachi College of Music Library
A Catalogue of Early Printed Editions
of the Works of L.v.Beethoven
S11-896 (M2-252)
Adelaide de Matthisson / Cantate / à une voix Seule / avec accompagnement de Clavecin, / Mise en Musique, et dédieé à l'auteur / PAR / L. van Beethoven. / À BONN chez N. Simrock. / [1 fr 50 C][ink]
Physical descriptions: score. 23.5 x 32.5(20.5 x 28)
Collation: Title, blank, Music(3-11), blank.
Plate number: 373
Printing method: engraved
Words: German, French & Italian
Note: Dif. f. the Hoboken catalogue: price indication
Dif. f. Lühning C1: added Italian
Dif. f. Lühning C2: not engraved price
Imprint: Bonn: Simrock, [between 1803 and 1807]
Edition and history: New state of the Simrock edition of 1803, having Italian text added
Comments: his copy appears to be published between "C1" & "C2" of Lühning's catalogue
References: Kinsky-Halm: p. 109
Hoboken: No. 225
Dorfmüller: p. 266
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