Kunitachi College of Music Library
A Catalogue of Early Printed Editions
of the Works of L.v.Beethoven
S11-906 (M2-252)
SONATA / per il Pianoforte ed un Violino obligato, / scritta in uno stilo molto concertante, / quasi come d'un Concerto. / Composta e dedicata al suo amico / R. KREUZER. / Membro del Conservatorio di Musica in Parigi / Primo Violino dell'Academia delle Arti, e della Camera Jmperiale. / da / L. VAN BEETHOVEN. / [l.:] 640. [c.:] Opera 47. / In Vienna presso Giu. Riedl edit. priv. / 582. Hohenmarkt.
Physical descriptions: 1 part. 24 x 34.5(21.5 x 30)
Collation: [Piano]: Title, Music(4-35), blank.
(missing vn part)
Plate number: 640
Printing method: engraved
Other descriptions: Preceding 1st music line: GRANDE / SONATE.
Note: Price indication is scraped off from the printing surface.
Laid paper watermarked: Coat of arms with 1 star, crown & crescent + P A M
Dif. f. the Hoboken catalogue: watermark
Imprint: Wien: Riedl, [ca. 1815]
Edition and history: Re-issue of the Bureau des art et d'industrie edition of 1810
References: Kinsky-Halm: p. 112
Hoboken: No. 230
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