Kunitachi College of Music Library
A Catalogue of Early Printed Editions
of the Works of L.v.Beethoven
S11-943 (M2-254)
L. van Beethoven's / KLAVIER-CONCERTE / und / VIOLIN-CONCERT / in Partitur. / No. 1....No. 4. Op. 58.... Violin-Concert. / Preis jeder Nummer 25 Ngr. NETTO. / Nach Uebereinkunft mit Herrn C. Haslinger / Eigenthum des Verlegers. / EINGETRAGEN IN DAS VEREINS-ARCHIV. / LEIPZIG & BERLIN, C. F. PETERS, BUREAU DE MUSIQUE. / 4241 4090 4245 4251 4252
Physical descriptions: score. 25.5 x 16.5(23.5 x 28.5)(opening)
Collation: Cover, Title, blank, Music(1-110), 2 blanks, Cover.
Plate number: 4251
Printing method: engraved
Note: Cover in brown
Imprint: Leipzig: Peters, [not before 1861]
Edition and history: Re-issue, with new title page, of the first edition of the score(Peters 1861)
References: Hans-Schneider
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