Kunitachi College of Music Library
A Catalogue of Early Printed Editions
of the Works of L.v.Beethoven
S12-354 (M2-288)
4TE. / SYMPHONIE / (B dur) / FÜR / grosses Orchester / componirt und / dem Grafen von Oppersdorf / gewidmet / von / Ludwig VAN Beethoven / OP. 60. / MAINZ BEI B. SCHOTT'S SÖHNEN. / Brüssel, Gebrüder Schott. / 82 Montagne de la Cour. / London, Schott & Cie. / 159 Regent Street. / Paris, Schott. / 1 Rue Auber. (Mon du Ga. Hotel.) / Vollständiges Auslieferungs - Lager. / LEIPZIG, C. F. LEEDE. / 19149.
Physical descriptions: score. 26.5 x 17(22 x 28.5)(opening)
Collation: Title, blank, Music(1-196).
Plate number: 19149.
Printing method: engraved; title page in lithography
Note: Including metronome markings
Imprint: Mainz: Schott, [1868]
Edition and history: Later edition
References: Hans-Schneider
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