Kunitachi College of Music Library
A Catalogue of Early Printed Editions
of the Works of L.v.Beethoven
S12-065 (M2-266)
SEXTUOR / pour / deux Violons, Alt, Violoncelle, / et deux Cors, obligés / composé / PAR / L. VAN BEETHOVEN. / [l.:] Oeuvre 81. [r.:] Prix 4 fr: 50 Cmes. / A BONN / chez N. Simrock. / Proprieté de l'Editeur. Deposée à la Bibliotheque imperiale. / No. 706.
Physical descriptions: 4 parts. 32.5 x 24.5(28 x 20.5)
Collation: Violino Imo; Title, Ad(2), Music(3-6), Ad(3-4)
Violino 2do: Music(1-4).
Viola: Music(1-3), blank.
Violoncello: Music(1-3), blank.
(missing 2 hn parts)
Plate number: 706.
Printing method: engraved; title page in lithography
Other descriptions: Preceding 1st music line: Allegro / con brio.
Note: Compared with the copy(S12-064), "e Basse" of the instrument indication "Violoncello e Basse" is lacking.
Wove paper watermarked: Bend with fleur-de-lis G F
Imprint: Bonn: Simrock, [not before 1810]
Edition and history: New state, with corrected instrument indication, of the original edition(Simrock 1810)
References: Kinsky-Halm: p. 219
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