Kunitachi College of Music Library
A Catalogue of Early Printed Editions
of the Works of L.v.Beethoven
S12-157 (M2-273)
SONATE / für das Piano=Forte / Componirt und / dem Fräulein Maximiliana Brentano / Gewidmet von / LUDWIG van BEETHOVEN / [l.:] OP. 109. [c.:] Eigenthum der Verleger [r.:] PREIS 1. Rth / [l.:] No. 1088. / [l.:] Paris ÷ bey Moritz Schlesinger. [c.:] BERLIN, ÷ bey A. M. Schlesinger. [r.:] London ÷ bey Boosey & C. / Wien / Bey A. Steiner & C. Artaria & C. und Cappi und Diabelli. / Marquerie Fils, fecit.
Physical descriptions: 24 x 34(20 x 28)
Collation: [Piano]: Title, blank, Music(3-21), blank.
Plate number: none
Printing method: engraved
Other descriptions: Preceding 1st music line: SONATE.
Note: Wove paper watermarked: J WHATMAN
Dif. f. the Hoboken catalogue: watermark
Imprint: Berlin: A. M. Schlesinger, [1822 or 3]
Edition and history: Re-issue, with new title page, of the original edition(A. M. Schlesinger 1821)
References: Kinsky-Halm: p. 312
Hoboken: No. 452
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Research Institute. All Rights Reserved.