Kunitachi College of Music Library
A Catalogue of Early Printed Editions
of the Works of L.v.Beethoven
S12-169 (M2-273)
Op.114 (Arr. Piano)
Marche a la Turque / "des Ruines d'Athéne" / de / L. BEETHOVEN / transcrite pour le / PIANO / par / A. RUBINSTEIN. / [l.:] Leipzig ÷ chez F. Whistling ÷ No 295 [c.:] Enregistré aux Archives de l'Union. ÷ Proprieté des Editeurs [r.:] Vienne ÷ chez F. Glöggl. [c.:] Pesth ÷ chez Rózsavölgyi & Comp. [r.:] Pr.80 Neukr. ÷ 10 S.gr.
Physical descriptions: 34.5 x 26(27 x 20)
Collation: [Piano]: Title, 2 Ad., Music(2-5), blank, 2 Ad.
Plate number: R & C. No 295.
Printing method: engraved; title page in lithography; ad. in typography
Other descriptions: At foot of second page of the advertisements: Pest, 1867 Elsö magyar Egyesületi Könyvnyomda, Fanda és Társai.
Title and advertising pages(except for the second page) in blue
Imprint: Leipzig: Ro$zsavölgyi, 1867
Edition and history: Later edition
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