Kunitachi College of Music Library
A Catalogue of Early Printed Editions
of the Works of L.v.Beethoven
S12-190 (M2-274)
ADAGIO, VARIATIONEN UND RONDO / für / Pianoforte, Violine und Violoncell / von / LUDWIG van BEETHOVEN. / 121tes. Werk. / [l.:] No. 4603. [c.:] Eigenthum des Verlegers. [r.:] Preis f. 2_C. M. / Wien, / bei Tobias Haslinger, / Musikverleger, / am Graben, im Hause der öster. Sparkasse, No. 572.
Physical descriptions: 3 parts. 33 x 26(26.5 x 19.5)
Collation: PIANO=FORTE : Title, Music(2-19), blank.
VIOLINO: Music(1-5), blank.
VIOLONCELLO: Music(1-5), blank.
Plate number: S: u: C: 4603.; S: u: C: 4601. on p. 17 of pf part
Printing method: engraved
Other descriptions: Preceding 1st music line: INTRODUZIONE.
Imprint: Wien: Haslinger, [prob. 1829]
Edition and history: Re-issue of the original edition(Steiner 1824)
Comments: Judging from the paper quality, publication date appears to be much later than 1829
References: Kinsky-Halm: p. 353
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