Kunitachi College of Music Library
A Catalogue of Early Printed Editions
of the Works of L.v.Beethoven
S12-225 (M2-277)
QUATUOR / pour 2 Violons Alto & Violoncelle / Composé & Dédié / à son ami / JOHANN WOLFMEIER / PAR / LOUIS VAN BEETHOVEN. / [l.:] OEuv. 135. ÷ No. 17 des Quartuors. [c.:] Oeuvre posthume. [r.:] Prix 2 Rthlr: / Propriété des éditeurs. / BERLIN, / chez Ad. Mt. Schlesinger, Libraire et éditeur de musique. / Unter den Linden No. 34. / PARIS, chez Maurice Schlesinger, Md. de musique du Roi. / 1444.
Physical descriptions: 4 parts. 32.5 x 26(27 x 21)
Collation: VIOLINO 1mo: Title, Music(2-11), blank.
VIOLINO 2do: Music(1-9), blank.
ALTO-VIOLA: ALTO-VIOLA: Music(1-9), blank.
VIOLONCELLO: blank, Music(2-8).
Plate number: 1444.
Printing method: engraved
Other descriptions: Preceding 1st music line: BEETHOVEN / QUARTETTO. / Op: 135.
At foot of 1st page of music of 1st vn & vc parts: [r.:] Berlin chez Schlesinger.
At foot of 1st page of 1st vn part, and final page of 2nd vn part: [l.:] Beethoven Quart:Oe 135.
At lower left of the title page: F. J.
Note: First violin part of Op. 133 published by M. Artaria in 1827, with plate number M. A. 877 is bounded to the first violin part
Imprint: Berlin: A. M. Schlesinger, [not before 1827]
Edition and history: New state, with different pagination, of the original edition of the parts(A. M. Schlesinger 1827)
Comments: Judging from the paper quality, publication date appears to be much later than 1827
References: Kinsky-Halm: p. 410
Hoboken: No. 529
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