Kunitachi College of Music Library
A Catalogue of Early Printed Editions
of the Works of L.v.Beethoven
S12-240 (M2-279)
XII VARIATIONS / Pour le PIANO FORTE / avec un Violon obligé / (se vuol ballare) / composées et dediées / à / Mlle: Eleonore de Breuning, / [l.:] No. 344. [c.:] par [r.:] Pr: 1 Fr: 75 cent / L. VAN BEETHOVEN. / No: 8. / à Bonn chez N. Simrock. / à PARIS chez H. Simrock, professeur, marchand de musique et d'instrumens rue du Mont_Blanc No. 373. / Chaussée d'Antin au coin le celle basse du rempart.
Physical descriptions: 22 x 32(20.5 x 28); title page:(14.5 x 20.5)
Collation: [Piano]: Title, Music(2-10), 2 blanks.
(vn part is electric copy)
Plate number: 344.
Printing method: engraved
Other title descriptions: Head title: Aria de l'opera de Nozze di Figaro.
Other descriptions: Preceding 1st music line: Thema / Allegretto
Note: Title page with flowers & ribbon
Imprint: Bonn: Simrock, [1803]
Edition and history: Later edition
Comments: Judging from the paper quality, publication date appears to be much later than 1803
References: Kinsky-Halm: p. 484
Hoboken: No. 583
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Research Institute. All Rights Reserved.