Kunitachi College of Music Library
A Catalogue of Early Printed Editions
of the Works of L.v.Beethoven
S12-312 (M2-280)
SO ODER SO. / LIED / mit Begleitung / des / Piano-Forte / Componirt / von / L: VAN BEETHOVEN. / Hamburg, / bey J: A: Böhme.
Physical descriptions: score. 23.5 x 33(20 x 28.5); title page(10.5 x 14)
Collation: Title, Music(2), Text, blank.
Plate number: none
Printing method: engraved
Other title descriptions: Head title: So oder so.
Words: German
Note: Laid paper watermarked: Fleur-de-lis; F C D
Imprint: Hamburg: Böhme, [ca. 1820]
Edition and history: Later edition
References: Not listed in Kinsky-Halm & Dorfmüller
Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Kunitachi College of Music
Research Institute. All Rights Reserved.